[Amps] 8875

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Fri Mar 20 09:45:30 EDT 2015

Is $250. - $300. each still a typical price for good used?

Or has Ham-flation (obsession with amps + tube hoarding)
driven the used cost up considerably?

David KD4E

> A single 3CX800A7 or the 3CPX version is an easier conversion since none
> of the extreme metal hacking for Russian tubes is needed; the socket and
> pin outs are identical. Plus the tube is much cleaner for IMD and full
> to 80% output (at 46 mHz) medical pulls are still fairly easy to find.
> Carl
> KM1H


*David* KD4E
ARES-EC Bulloch County, Nevils, Georgia USA

Safe & Secure Search Engine: duckduckgo.com

Android for Hams: groups.yahoo.com/group/hamdroid
Creative Tech: groups.yahoo.com/group/ham-macguyver
Raspi Alternative: groups.yahoo.com/group/beagleboneblack/

Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22

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