[Amps] ICOM IC-2KL will not UNkey on PTT
Charles Harpole
hs0zcw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 06:51:51 EDT 2015
The PTT problem was in the exciter, IC-718. Thanks to all for help.
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:23 AM, Peter Voelpel <dj7ww at t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi Charly,
> When you turn on „linear“ at the amp without phono plug inserted does it
> go to transmit as well?
> If that works OK please test out first if the 2KL is working coorectly.
> If you take the phono wire out of the transceiver which and touch the
> inner conductor to ground, the 2KL should go on transmit, releasing ground
> should switch back to receive.
> If that works the problem is with the transceiver, make sure VOX is
> switched off.
> With the transceiver I can´t give further assistance as I do not know that
> rig.
> 73
> Peter
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Charles Harpole [mailto:hs0zcw at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Mittwoch, 25. März 2015 20:11
> *To:* Peter Voelpel; Zehnsteine
> *Subject:* Re: [Amps] ICOM IC-2KL will not UNkey on PTT
> Thank you very much Peter for responding to my problem.
> I discovered that the IC 718 has a transistor PTT available on the DIN
> accessory socket and a relay type PTT available on the RCA phono socket. I
> used both and then tested with only the RCA phono wire to do the
> keying/PTT. Problem remained.
> The MAKE works to put the linear amp into XMIT and put RF into it then
> shows amplified RF out normally. But stopping RF in, amp does not UNMAKE.
> Manually turning off the "Linear" (operate) front panel switch returns amp
> to stand-by.
> Something is activating the TRANSmit front panel light on and also killing
> the receive. *This happens by just turning on the front panel "Linear"
> (operate) switch before sending RF drive into it.***
> Using the "Linear" (operate) switch by hand as a manual PTT allows good
> function, but should not be necessary to work that way.
> Thanks so much and sincere 73, Charly
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Peter Voelpel <dj7ww at t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> Check the output capacity of the ptt out of the transceiver, it might use
> just a transistor and can´t drive the relays of the 2-KL.
> You probably need a relay in addition switched by the 718 and its make
> contact to key the linear.
> 73
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amps [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Charles
> Harpole
> Sent: Montag, 23. März 2015 12:24
> To: amps at contesting.com; Zehnsteine; Swen Röder; Charles Harpole
> Subject: [Amps] ICOM IC-2KL will not UNkey on PTT
> I have two ICOM IC-2KL with matching power supplies and matching IC AT-500
> automatic antenna tuners.
> Connect one set to IC-718 for test, using rear acc. DIN socket correctly
> patched to both IC-2KL and IC AT-500.
> RCV works good and tuner senses band and tunes very good.
> Turn on the 2KL "POWER" on and also OPERATE (panel label is "LINEAR"*) and
> the xmit light turns on with no key-down and no RF from exciter. If
> key-down and provide driving RF, then amp puts out 500 watts. But when
> exciter goes to stand-by, the 2KL remains with xmit light on and will not
> pass antenna back to the exciter. Acts like part of a PTT relay is stuck.
> Turn 2KL to STANDBY* ("LINEAR"* sw off), and amp goes to pass receiving to
> the exciter.
> Thus, if I use the "LINEAR*" switch like a manual PTT, everything else
> works great.
> I am puzzled because when the LINEAR* switch is ON, the Transmit panel
> light is on "trans," but with no RF drive, there is no output from the
> amplifier until drive is applied. Turn drive off and the amp remains in
> that partial stand-by situation.
> *The front panel has two switches "POWER" and "LINEAR." "POWER" is
> stand-by and "LINEAR" is the same as an Operate switch.
> Any suggestions? Tnx, Charly
> More info.........
> -exciter to amp uses both PTT and ALC wires connected.
> -disconnect PTT wire and no kind of PTT action happens in the amp.
> -The IC-718 DIN acc. socket supplies PTT to the Aux. sockets on the amp and
> ant tuner, but apparently in my set up, that does not function. Is it a
> broken wire? VOM continuity shows all good.
> --
> Charly, HS0ZCW
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> Charly, HS0ZCW
Charly, HS0ZCW
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