[Amps] Time for New Power Meter

Bill Turner dezrat at outlook.com
Mon May 4 00:38:01 EDT 2015

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On Mon, 04 May 2015 08:09:47 +0800, you wrote:

>Might I be allowed to suggest that Accuracy +/- 5% of Full Scale Power" 
>means that the best accuracy they guarantee is that 5% at full scale.
>At lower readings, it may still be 5% or it might be a little more. 
>Whatever the figure might be, to cover their ass, the manufacturer is 
>not going to make any guarantees other than at full scale.
>To suggest +/- 125 Watts anywhere on the scale, for a 2500 Watt range,  
>simply does not make sense and it would make a total mockery of the 
>using the instrument as a power measuring device.
>73, Alek.


Perfectly stated. Thank you, Alek.

73, Bill W6WRT

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