[Amps] SPE 2K-FA amplifier duty cycle

LB3RE \"RAG\" Stein-Roar Brobakken post at lb3re.com
Mon May 18 09:48:09 EDT 2015

Hello I know few have problem with that the internal bandpass filter get QRT after running 1 KW RTTY  

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I'm thinking of getting an SPE 2K-FA amplifier and I have a question

about duty cycle at full power.

I understand it will run full 1500 watts on SSB and CW, but not so on

RTTY, at least not brick on the key mode. After a certain period of

operation it will cut back to a lower power level.

My question is how long will it run at 1500 watts carrier before

cutting back?

All comments welcome.

73, Bill W6WRT


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