[Amps] [Expertamp] SPE Expert Tuner COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS

Ed Gerber w5gcx at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 15 09:07:28 EST 2015

On the 1K, I just push the ENT button on the FH-1 connected to the FT=1000MP.  That works even when in other than CW mode.  73  


     On Saturday, November 14, 2015 8:41 PM, "Charles Harpole charlesharpole at yahoo.com [Expertamp]" <Expertamp at yahoogroups.com> wrote:

     TO ALL....Beware, do not present RF to your SPE during switching to STANDBY with the OPERATE/OP button.  or DO NOT TRANSMIT FROM THE RADIO WHILE SWITCHING ANY FUNCTION ON THE SPEs.... see exceptions for the > and < tuning buttons*.

The K3 LOCK button locks RF out until you turn it off on the K3 which makes it very dangerous to easy mistakes cited above.  However, any kind of keying (sending) radio RF to the SPE during any SPE button pushes is a huge NO NO*.
This is why I strongly recommend using a CW key, one without the lock switch also, due to being more difficult to make mistakes.
Kurt, no the SPE book does not make this tuning routine clear and I fought it for several hours before seeing the way.And yes Kurt, I accept your enticing offer, but Visalia will have to fly me there 'cause otherwise I am not coming back, hee hee.
73 to all, Charly

     From: "W6ph at aol.com" <W6ph at aol.com>
 To: charlesharpole at yahoo.com 
 Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [Expertamp] 1.3K-FA Tuner COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS
 Charly, I did what you said and everything worked perfectly.   I used the lock key feature in the K3.  Thanks. There is no clue in the operating manual on how to do this.  I looked at the manual again to see if I missed anything and it wasn't there. I owe you a drink if you come back to Visalia. 73, Kurt W6PH In a message dated 11/14/2015 5:35:28 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, charlesharpole at yahoo.com writes:
 1.  Put radio in CW position. Select desired frequency to tune.  Press SPE OPERATE (also called OP) button to go to STANDBY.  Press the TUNE button and see the yellow tune light turn on.  Press and hold the CW key to provide RF to the SPE, 20 watts is good.  Hear noises inside SPE, not loud and the display show SWR changes.  When the yellow tune light on the SPE goes out, unkey/release the CW key.  SPE is now tuned for that frequency.  Push the OPERATE/OP button on the SPE to return to normal operation.

see other steps on Expertamp reflector.

     __._,_.___     Posted by: Charles Harpole <charlesharpole at yahoo.com>     
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