[Amps] Tube Amps and AM

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 13:48:47 EST 2015

On 24/11/15 06:00, Ray, W4BYG" <w4byg at att.net> wrote:
> I have never tried it on AM, but I would suspect you would have to keep
> the output power somewhat below about 25% of what it is rated for (about
> 125 watts or so), if you were going to try it on AM. That would likely
> require input drive around 12 watts from your exciter.
> If you try it, initially be real sensitive of the heat build up while
> operating, especially if  [snip]

I have a TL-922A and I run a TS-2000 into on AM - all knobs to the right 
on 40M!

I'm not joking at all!  Power - full.  Mic gain - full. Processor - on.

Say what you like, but on the air it sounds fantastic, as long as you 
don't yell into it or else it gets a little overbearing, but never an 
ounce of splatter.  I also use the DSP modifier, and I get all sorts of 
comments about my whopper AM signal.

The amp runs in SSB mode (full HT) and the tubes run just-glowing, like 
they would be on SSB with 100W drive.  I can key down as long as I like, 
and the amp sits on about 400W carrier and PEP is god knows what, but 
the power meter is swinging pretty hard on voice peaks.

Using a Tube Amp on AM is totally a blast!


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