[Amps] Dayton prize certificate for $300 off an SPE Expert Amp for sale

Kimo Chun kimochun at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 12:38:12 EST 2015

I know several DXpeditioners who have used and own one of the SPE Expert
models.  When used within its limitations it is a good performer (my
understanding) and they like their amp.

I won a certificate at a Dayton dinner for $300 off their Dayton prices for
any of the 3 models (1K-FA, 2K-FA, 1.3K-FA) from Expert Linears America LLC
(Bob Hardie, owner).

I cannot use it and it is valid until December 15, 2015. I need to convey
the original to you.

I'd like to sell it for $100 with the proceeds going to NCDXF. You'll still
get a $200 discount off the 2015 Dayton prices. You need to arrange for
redemption with Bob.  Bob at ExpertLinears.com   www.ExpertLinears.com

Dayton prices:
1K-FA     $3495
1.3K-FA with ATU   $4695
1.3K-FA without ATU   $3595
2K-FA   $6495

Please contact me by email ASAP if interested. Only certified funds
Sorry for the short time window.

Kimo Chun, KH7U

kh7u at arrl.net
kimo at lava.net
kimochun at gmail.com

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