[Amps] Henry bleeder resistor source.

Mike Waters mikewate at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 15:04:15 EDT 2015

Those are Ohmite vitreous enamel resistors. Historically, they have been
top quality, almost mil-spec.

I had a 150K 100W Dale HL-100-06Z (made in Mexico) bleeder in my dual-833C
amp's HV PS. It opened up some time after I raised the HV to a point where
it was dissipating a little over its 100W rating. It had a thin, dull gray
coating over a white hollow ceramic tube. The wire winding was just under
that coating. (FWIW, it didn't strike me as mil-spec quality.) When that
Dale resistor opened up, it cracked all the way through, right where the
winding opened up. It seemed that there was a hot spot there, for that to

Dale has also established itself as a reputable resistor manufacturer. But
I suspect that an Ohmite vitreous enamel resistor similar to that Mouser
link might not have failed. But I did exceed the Dale's 100W dissipation by
at least 10%.

73, Mike

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Ron Youvan <ka4inm at gmail.com> wrote:

>   On 10/10/2015 10:06 AM, Donald Fox wrote:
> So far, I have come across this model sold by Mouser. I can get them for
>> $11 each if I buy 10.
>> 5 will replace the set in the 3K which are 26 years old, and other 5 will
>> be spares.
>> http://www.mouser.com/Search/ProductDetail.aspx?R=L100J20KEvirtualkey58810000virtualkey588-L100J20KE
> Comments pro and con please?

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