[Amps] IMD and spurious measurements

David Cole dave at nk7z.net
Tue Oct 27 08:36:42 EDT 2015

Nice piece of work, and most interesting, thanks for sharing!
Thanks and 73's,
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On Tue, 2015-08-11 at 10:12 -0700, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Tue,8/11/2015 8:49 AM, Manfred Mornhinweg wrote:
> > I can't conveniently run my computer from batteries to break any 
> > ground loops, because it's a desktop computer. 
> Ground loops are a fiction, a wrong concept to explain noise coupled in 
> unbalanced connections between equipment powered from different sources. 
> The REAL cause of hum, buzz, and other noise coupled in this manner is 
> leakage currents in the Green wire (safety ground) in the AC mains.
> See http://k9yc.com/GroundingAndAudio.pdf
> The proper solution is BONDING, not isolation.
> I've been measuring IMD of various rigs and amplifiers using an Elecraft 
> P3 attached to a K3, sampling at a capacitive tap with the amp/rig 
> feeding a big 500W dummy load, and the rig transmitting dits in the 
> range of 30 wpm.  Because keyed CW is 100% square wave AM of a carrier, 
> the harmonics that make up the keying waveform excite IMD in the DUT.
> The P3 with the SVGA board is capable of resolution on the order of 2 Hz 
> with 80 dB amplitude display. This is 500 times better than the 
> frequency resolution of my HP and Rigol spectrum analyzers.They are good 
> for looking at harmonics, but useless for looking at CW bandwidth.
> Here's an in-progress report on my work. I've used Power Point to show 
> it, but this is not a Power Point for a presentation, simply a 
> convenient way to display the data and document the test method.
> http://k9yc.com/P3_Spectrum_Measurements.pdf
> I measured three power amps using a second K3 to drive them -- a Ten Tec 
> Titan 425, an Elecraft KPA500, and an ACOM 1010.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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