[Amps] Regulated filament current

Ian White gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Sep 6 02:59:21 EDT 2015

>And it has to be asked, why?  

A poorly regulated mains voltage would be a *very* good reason to use a
regulated filament or heater supply. 

For example, a Field Day situation may involve long supply lines from a
generator that is also feeding other stations. When you switch to
Transmit, the large additional load from the HV power supply pulls down
the mains voltage and reduces the filament or cathode emission, right at
the moment when you need it the most.

Any tube PA that is used for portable operation is a good candidate for
a small packaged SMPS (with appropriate filtering and precautions
against the switch-on surge). 

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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