[Amps] warm up time for TX tubes

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Mon Apr 11 14:38:58 EDT 2016

John, the basic issue is that is unhealthy for the tube cathode to be  
subjected to current flow before it has reached the proper  operating 
If the tube has cutoff bias voltage applied then there will be no cathode  
current flow and all is well. The plate and screen voltages can be on or off 
 during warm up; your call.
In general, it is not smart to have screen voltage on when plate voltage is 
 off. When the cathode emits electrons you want most of them flowing toward 
the  plate, not the screen which is much more fragile.
Turning screen voltage off while leaving plate voltage on is not an issue,  
in fact it is a good method of switching a tube into standby. The only  
precaution is the screen should never be allowed to "float" as the voltage will 
 tend to rise near the plate potential and that is a good way to destroy a  
tetrode tube very quickly. A resistance of a few 100K ohms between the 
screen  and cathode is enough to prevent the "run away" condition.
Hope this is what you were looking for.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 4/11/2016 12:56:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
k4dlx at bellsouth.net writes:

New to  this reflector.  

Hope someone can help me understand tube  warm up requirements.

Specifically, What are the necessary  conditions for voltages at plate ,
screen and control grid during Warm up  for indirectly heated tetrode tubes.

I have seen directions  that say no plate voltage during warm up, but some
amps (MLA2500) apply  plate voltage and limit cathode current to a few mA by
self-bias during  warm up.

What I have in mind for my amp with gu74b   (4cx800) is to apply fil voltage
for 3 minutes while screen is at 0v, plate  is full on and 
G1 is biased to cutoff (approx. -75v).   

Is my approach  workable?


What are the necessary conditions  condition for the tub during warm up?..

Thanks in advance for  your help

John  K4dlx   

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