[Amps] the 600 watt amp

Catherine James catherine.james at att.net
Fri Dec 9 13:37:11 EST 2016

On Thu, 12/8/16, gudguyham at aol.com <gudguyham at aol.com> wrote:
> I would venture to say that in the circle of hams who congregate here that the 811H
> amplifier isn't a viable consideration of any sort.

It depends what is being considered and discussed.

- If the question is, "What amp should I buy?", then yes, you're probably right.

- If the question is about what the alternatives are to building a solid-state 600 watt amp, it should be included, but for most posters here a used SB-200 or SB-220 (or other used tube amp) is more likely the alternative.  (I considered building a W6PQL two-deck amp some time ago, but abandoned the idea when I realized how difficult it would be, so this includes me.)

But if the question is whether solid-state devices are ready to completely ready to replace tube finals in new commercial products, as some have argued, then the 811H is *utterly* relevant, because that price point and performance is what will need to be replaced to achieve mass usage.

I don't have sales figures on the 811 and 811H, but I would bet that they (together with the AL-80B) far outsell all other new HF amps combined.


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