[Amps] Drake L4B to 6 Meters Help

Michelle michelle_melt at windstream.net
Mon Dec 12 11:24:19 EST 2016

You are not missing anything, it sounds as if you have it all done just about right.
750W for 2300V/0.65A
Efficiency right around 50%, gain 8dB
It's exactly what I would have said to expect from a conversion like that (and by the way: L4B never got much above 750W on the higher bands anyway)

Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter
Peter,Then why are other conversions  getting over a kilowat with same voltage? and single 3-500z amps getting 650-750 watts out?(By the way my stock L4B has 1200 watts  output on 40 meters)Michelle

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