[Amps] Time to back up- SS and autotune

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sun Dec 18 07:21:47 EST 2016


Correct as to what Don describes.  Also, the meter is damped but will still
show some movement.  An RF ammeter still shows a 22.5% increase in line
current with 100% symmetrical modulation.  

As I recall, we paid just over USD $200K for the DX-50 in 1995.  Several
years ago, Harris (now GatesAIR) updated the DX-50 and is now sold as the
3DX-50.  A quick check shows pricing of about USD $180K.  A prior order was
placed for a DX-10 at our nighttime site at Baldwin, FL.  Baldwin is a six
tower array in a 3x3 arrangement that produces one huge lobe over

Paul, W9AC 

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