[Amps] Plate transformer

Bryan Swadener bswadener at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 27 12:34:26 EST 2016

I started with a FREE E-I core split-bobbin xfmr from 
a scrapped medical equipment power supply. It had 
several LV secondaries. After identifying the primary 
windings, it was a simple matter of putting a new 
secondary on it. 

I spent about $100 on 10# of 18 AWG polyimide 
(Kapton) coated wire and sheets of NMN333 paper. 
Manfred XQ6FOD has helpful info on his website about 
practical rewinding. I wound-up with a transformer that 
can do 1180 to 1440V @ 3A in four taps (3338 to 4073 
VDC @ 1.5A in a doubler). Worst-case load current 
is 785 mA.
See the email I sent off-list yesterday.

Bryan WA7PRC

Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 17:35:07 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jeff Pederson <kd4lyh at yahoo.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: [Amps] Plate transformer

Thanks to all that replied I have located a plate transformer locally.
I'm still wondering if its worth it to buy the c-cores and materials
and wind your own. Could you get more bang for the buck doing
it that way.


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