[Amps] new high power transistor announced

Steve Thompson g8gsq72 at gmail.com
Fri May 6 16:53:58 EDT 2016

It's been a game of musical chairs. The old NXP product line
(BLF... etc.) has been floated off separately as Ampleon, centred
on the original Philips RF factory at Nijmegan.

They have some new products, BLP... family. They don't hit new
heights in output power but have improved UHF characteristics.

Both firms also seem to be battling on the 'solid state microwave
oven' front with 250W 2.4-2.5 GHz parts. Legal limit on 13cms anyone?


> NXP (Philips) combined Rf power products with Freescale
> Semiconductor (Motorola) a while back. Thankfully, product
> development has continued and NXP Semiconductors just announced
> a new LDMOS transistor, the MRF1K50H and MRF1K50N. This is
> another 50 volt part to supercede the 1.25 kW MRFE6VP61K25H. We
> can already like the new parts numbering scheme!
> The new part will develop 1500 watts of CW power, and is said
> to be a drop in for the other part, with only "slight
> retuning", whatever that means. A datasheet is not available
> yet, but preliminary info shows 23.5 dB gain at 100 MHz, and
> suitability for linear power. The frequency range is 1.8 to 500
> MHz, and 74% efficiency in class AB (!) in narrowband reference
> circuits. At 230 MHz, it is capable of 65:1 VSWR at all phases
> when pulsed for 1500 watts output, push pull (Gemini device).
> NXP and Freescale have made significant inroads for products
> for ISM power, and ham radio amplifiers would be a natural
> product to use this device.
> 73 John K5PRO

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