[Amps] R3KBO / eb104.ru LDMOS Amps

PY1NB - Felipe Ceglia felipeceglia2 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 05:15:38 EST 2016

Hello folks,

Thank you for the private replies.

I have taken a look on the W6PQL website and rfkit-de sites as well.

I like the german project, but I have seen it at friedrichshafen and it
took more than a minute boot up from the raspberry pi. That removes the
instant-on magic. I am also concerned about heat dissipations using two
LDMOSes on the same heath dissipator.



Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member
http://dxwatch.com /// http://reversebeacon.net /// http://riodxgroup.com

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 9:58 AM, PY1NB - Felipe Ceglia <
felipeceglia2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I am considering building a 2kw LDMOS amp.
> I came across R3KBO's products, but I could not find references or reviews
> for his products.
> His website is http://www.eb104.ru
> Would any of you have any suggestions or feedback for him?
> Would you suggest another supplier for parts? I have no means to machine
> the copper spacer, etc, so having a kit would be a good option.
> 73 and thanks,
> Felipe Ceglia - CT7ANO, PY1NB
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------
> PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member
> http://dxwatch.com /// http://reversebeacon.net /// http://riodxgroup.com

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