[Amps] TL922 boards and modifications

Behiels jean-Pierre jeanpierre.behiels at telenet.be
Sun Nov 27 03:01:33 EST 2016



Hi members;


I have just acquire a old TL922 for full restauration on the work bench

I like and presume to do all announced modifications,also with use of you
PCB boards(seems to be a solid design)

Is it possible to sent my the full documentation about your PCB boards and
what I exactly have to change or to rewire behind the  TL922 amp ?

Ones I could have a good look on it,I will make a order for some boards and
needed components (relays and others)

I look forward if you could help with my request.


Kindly regards Jean ON4AEF. 


E-mail : on4aef at telenet.be





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