[Amps] gs35b hf amp

Bill Turner dezrat at outlook.com
Fri Oct 21 20:31:12 EDT 2016

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On Thu, 20 Oct 2016 01:17:54 +0000 (UTC), you wrote:

>k I have read somewhere about adding a coil between the blocking cap and C1 but I can't find anything about that now and I don't really remember the specifics. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks & 73KK4RSV
> Darrell Wyatt


This is discussed in the amplifiers section of any recent ARRL
handbook. Basically, the small coil forms an "L" network using the
tube's own output capacitance to step down the plate impedance to a
value which can be tuned with a reasonable sized tuning cap. The coil
is effective only on the higher frequencies and "disappears" on the
lower ones..

It works great. I have used the method on several amplifiers including
six meters. 

73, Bill W6WRT

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