[Amps] SB-220 Harbach meter board - blown meter diodes
Catherine James
catherine.james at att.net
Mon Oct 24 19:45:38 EDT 2016
In the continuing saga of the "new" SB-220...
I've opened everything up and it looks good to me. No burned spots, signs of arcing, etc. A previous owner has already installed the Harbach soft-key and soft-start mods as well as the Harbach meter diode board, and it was clearly done a long time ago since the PC boards are not the modern green type.
I have replaced the PS capacitors via the new Harbach board.
Unfortunately, it appears that D5 and D6 on the Harbach meter board are blown (shorted). The long string of 1N5408's check out fine.
Any thoughts on what else I should check or replace that may have been taken out when the meter diodes went?
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