[Amps] Ampleon BLF189XR 1900W LDMOS transistor

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Oct 26 03:17:49 EDT 2016

You can skip the automatic antenna tuner. Use an aim with the tuner to 
set the tuner correctly for as close to a match as is possible.

Once the input to the toner sees an SWR of 1:1 and J=50 ohms hit it with 
the amp.  I do that with my tube amp into a dummy load, when I switch to 
the antenna I never need touch the tuner or amp controls.

No, it's not as fast as an auto-tuner, but even with the auto tuner the 
amp can't go on with full power for the tune operation and the external 
tuner makes building more simple.


Roger (K8RI)

On 10/19/2016 Wednesday 10:31 PM, Jim Thomson wrote:
> Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 18:20:45 -0500
> From: Kevin <kstover at ac0h.net>
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Ampleon BLF189XR 1900W LDMOS transistor
> announcement
> W6PQL tested the NXP BLF188XR, the device he uses in his 1KW amps, and
> came up with 1100W before hitting 1dB compression and it's a 1400W
> "peak" device.
> If I was building one with the BLF189XR I'd still use two devices. Run
> each at 750W out and not stress anything. Might actually get an SSPA
> that will do full legal, any mode, no time limit as long as you can move
> the heat.
> The big question is the low pass filter. The single most expensive part
> of an SSPA.
> ### This is my problem with these SS amps, the LP filter.  And you require
> a myriad of them, not just one of em.   On a NINE band ham amp, you would
> require a bare minimum of SEVEN 1.5 kw CCS rated LP filters... AND you have
> to be able to switch them in / out.    You dont  require ANY LP filters on any tube amp.
> ##  You also forgot the SS amps also require the fully automatic,  1.5 kw CCS rated
> antenna tuner.  Again, a tube amp doesnt require a tuner. A  SS amp will blow its brains
> out with swr.  None of em will operate full power into a 2:1  swr.
> ##  Your typ  SS amp operates at 50% eff at best.   So for a 1.5 kw CCS  rtty / FM
> signal, the heat sink would have to be able to dissipate 1500 watts  CCS.  That’s
> a helluva lot of heat to deal with, which means a bunch of noisy fans.
> ##  can it all be made to work, sure, but its not as simple as folks are trying to make out.
> An  FM broadcast TX only requires a single LP filter, and the LP filter  does not require any
> switching scheme.  The  FM broadcast TX  doesnt even require a TR relay, since its on
> TX.  Nor does the FM broadcast TX require an automatic ant tuner..nor does it need to be
> linear, imd is a non issue.
> ## Will  2 x BLF189XRs even do 1.5 kw pep with real low IMD ??  I dont mean typ ham
> junk either.
> Jim   VE7RF
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