[Amps] 3 phase HV transformers on single phase

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Thu Oct 27 08:53:09 EDT 2016

  27/10/2016 13:47

How inefficient would running a 3 phase, three bobbin transformer (7kV
@ £ Amps on 3 phase) as a single phase using two bobbins? I have been
offered a transformer for scrap value with a shorted turn on the
secondary of an outer bobbin. I envisage putting the two working
bobbins in series. We have 240V single phase mains into most domestic
premises here in the UK. Photos of the beast at:

http://www.gatesgarth.com/t1.jpg                                   and


       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.
mailto: chris at chriswilson.tv

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