[Amps] New Amplifier

Jim W7RY jimw7ry at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 13:49:10 EDT 2017

I'll keep my two homebrew amplifiers for SO2R. One 8877, the other pair of 
3cx800s. Or the monoband 8877s that I'm building for the K5GO contest 

Jim W7RY

>#  What the power genius  will do is  swap between any 2 bands real fast, 
>as shown in their video.
>Where they jump back and forth  between 40 + 20m, using just  one xcvr and 
>one amp.   You cant
>jump back and forth that fast on say a Alpha 9500.


Sure you can.

I don't know the exact time the 9500 needs to change bands and retune,
but it's about the blink of an eye. Of course that is hard on the
moving parts and I wouldn't like to operate one that way, but it could
be done.

73, Bill W6WRT

##  That would be extremely  hard on parts, esp a motor driven multi wafer 
bandswitch, if
joe contester spent the entire weekend running SO2R.

The sub rx on my FT-1000 D is muted when on TX, ditto with the
sub rx on my mk-V.  The sub rx on the mk-v has to be on the same band
as the main vfo.

##  That flex 6700 xcvr   + power genius is the eq of multiple xcvrs and 
plus it has 6m.  As long as the band switching relays  for the diplexers 
held up,
it should be ok.

Jim  VE7RF

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