[Amps] Fwd: Amps Digest, Vol 172, Issue 39
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Sun Apr 23 20:41:44 EDT 2017
The new autotune 4000 @ $7500, will do 4500 for $1.67 per watt. The
manual tune version is even cheaper, BUT if you keep 'em legal they look
pretty expensive.
As for spending money on ham gear, as I can no longer fly, the airplanes
are gone. They are expensive even when you don't fly. Hangar rent and
insurance would purchase a really nice station. 14 gallons of $6.00 gas
per hour = $84 for gas per hour. So, I'm saving a LOT of money.
Ham radio, photography, and computers are now my only outlet so when I
purchase a top end rig (doesn't happen very often), my wife just sighs.
OTOH for some reason, computer purchases ring an alarm bell with her.
Photography? Not so much. Maybe it's because of the photos of the birds
and flower around the yard?
73, Roger (K8RI)
On 4/21/2017 3:41 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> > OM-2000+ 2,000 Watts $3.379.00
> At the US legal limit, it's $2.25/Watt. It's also a tube amp
> while you show/compare it against the list of solid state amps.
> Cathy, the PW-1 is a 1000W amplifier per Icom's own Instruction
> Manual. You list it as 1500W.
> 73,
> ... Joe, W4TV
> On 4/21/2017 1:30 PM, Jay Terleski wrote:
>> Price
>> t of Watts
>> from OM Powre Cathy, to add to your list.
>> OM-2000+ 2,000 Watts $3.379.00
>> That is $1.69 / Watt Cathy.
>> Jay, WX0B
>> Jay Terleski
>> Array Solutions
>> 214 954 7140
>>> Price of solid-state amps:
>>> Ameritron ALS-600, 500 watts, about $1400
>>> ACOM 600, 600 watts, about $2800
>>> Elecraft KPA-500, 500 watts, about $3000
>>> Elecraft KPA-1500, 1500 watts, about $6000
>>> ICOM PW-1, 1500 watts, about $4900
>>> Cost per watt: $2.80 - $6.00
>>> So it's still not practical to get the same performance *at the same
>>> price* from
>>> solid state power amplifiers. It will come, but it's not there yet.
>>> You can quibble with the choices of amps that I picked to make the
>>> point,
>>> but
>>> I don't think you can refute the core argument.
>>> 73,
>>> Cathy
>>> N5WVR
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