[Amps] Price per Watt Conversation

Richard Solomon dickw1ksz at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 12:44:16 EDT 2017

The 220 vac number comes from the
power output spec that says 1,000
Watts out @ 220 vac. But the manual
clearly states 100 - 240 vac input.

73, Dick, W1KSZ

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:16 AM, Doug Renwick <ve5ra at sasktel.net> wrote:

> Roger,
> The specifications for my Yaesu VP-1000 (Quadra) power supply state the
> input voltage is AC 100-240 V~, 50-60 Hz. This is different from the 220 V
> you mention. I can scan the spec sheet for further proof if you are still a
> doubter.
> Doug
> "Political correctness is a weapon used to silence people who tell the
> truth" - Ayaan Hirsi Ali
> -----Original Message-----
> Efficiency is not high on my priority list "as long as the heat
> generated is easy to manage" and ceased to be a concern when the legal
> limit went to output instead of input..  OTOH predistortion, or Adaptive
> predistortion would appear to allow both efficiency and quality.
> At close to 200W per device, it would require 8 devices in a circuit
> much like the Yaesu Quadra, but with a legal limit out for less money.
> BTW I saw several posts praising the Quadra, but the Quadra has several
> inherent problems in the basic design according to the Yaesu news
> groups..  One is the PS is designed for 220 VAC and not the current
> standard of 240 leading to a number of failures. Another is the way the
> power supplies feed the individual amps. OTOH it is a nice amp and I do
> see a number of hams claiming to be running 1200W out for many years.  I
> have two.
> 73, Roger (K8RI)
> ---
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