[Amps] Ham Tests, was Price per Watt Conversation

Thomas Walsh w2co at comcast.net
Fri Apr 28 09:37:27 EDT 2017

 This is mostly because of the "removal of the code testing
and the dumbing down of the written tests" for an amateur radio license 
has left the flood gates open to anyone who can memorize and pass an 8th
grade level test. The facts are this is exactly what happened, the lazy 
political types got their way, they got something for nothing. Too bad 
so many will never even get to experience the magic of CW, just because 
they "don't have to", but this is the new generation the ones that will
"keep the hobby fresh" with new ideas - yeah right they're losing out 
already big time. There are I can assure you, still many that operate
CW, and they enjoy it's magical and simple weak signal capabilities, and
they know it's value during emergencies, when many if not all
communications systems would be inoperable. Just look back at 9/11, all
communications in and out of the NYC area were down for at least two
days or more but HF CW still worked as well as HF SSB and a few other
digital HF modes and all VHF modes. The CW hams also tend to have the
knowledge to build their own equipment, or at least know how to repair
their own equipment in an emergency. They have an understanding of basic
electronics and radio theory and tend to have very good operating
practices, unlike this newer generation who just wants everything now
but they don't want to work for it. Most CW operators worked very hard
for this valuable skill not just cried about it not being given to them 
on a silver platter. Thus the title "Appliance Operator" was coined.

On Thu, 2017-04-27 at 18:07 -0700, Jim Brown wrote:
> I've primarily worked CW since I was first licensed in 1955, and am a 
> founding member of CWOPS. That said, I agree with Bill and disagree with 
> Mark. Why? Because this is 2017, not 1912. Then was then, and now is 
> now. I'm going on 76 years old, but I still try to live in the present, 
> not the past, and prepare for the future. I'm active on CW, RTTY, JT65, 
> JT9, FSK441 and FM on VHF and UHF bands. I also work SSB, mostly to 
> support club competition. W6WRT is also active on JT65.
> While all would agree that CW can provide solid copy between trained 
> operators at far lower signal levels than SSB, there are far fewer 
> trained operators today than in 1955 when I started out. And no matter 
> how strong or weak the signal, if the op on the other end can't copy CW, 
> no communications will take place.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> On Thu,4/27/2017 4:46 PM, Mark Bitterlich wrote:
> > "I'm sure if the Titanic radio op had voice capability he would have
> > used it first. Of course in the Titanic case it wouldn't have mattered
> > since the only ship listening was too far away. "  Bill W6WRT
> >
> > The above is a typical "Bill W6WRT" response.  Biased, made to believe 
> > he is always correct, and belittling of the person who disagreed with 
> > him.  Worse it does disservice to the hero's of the day who used Morse 
> > Code to save over half of the crew of this famous ship.
> >
> > Actually numerous ships and shore stations heard the Titanic.  Not 
> > just "the only ship listening" as W6WRT would have you believe, which 
> > is just so much misinformation.
> >
> > "Come at once. We have struck a berg. It's a CQD, old man," the 
> > Titanic called to another ship, the Carpathia.
> > "We have struck an iceberg and sinking by the head," she told a German 
> > ship, the Frankfurt.
> >
> > "In response her sister ship, the Olympic called back: "Am lighting up 
> > all boilers as fast as we can."
> >
> > "there was "never a tremor" in the Morse tapped out by Jack Phillips."
> >
> > "I will never live to forget the work of Phillips during the last 
> > awful 15 minutes," said Bride.
> >
> > "I suddenly felt a great reverence to see him standing there sticking 
> > to his work while everybody else was raging about."
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > To repeat:  "Bill Turner" <dezrat at outlook.com> said:  "Relying on CW 
> > will get people killed."
> >
> >
> >
> > No, I don't think so Bill.  History has shown overwise.  But you can 
> > ignore history if you'd like.
> >
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