[Amps] MFJ products
Shon Edwards
sre.1966 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 5 10:03:12 EST 2017
Thanks Jim and everyone else (and the sympathies). Sorry I neglected to
give all the info. Yes, it's a mystery to me why all happened just as it
did. No matter how low I switched the DC Adjust dial (9-15 V), it just
pegged itself it seemed even a bit higher than the max.
Shon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)
Amateur call: K6QT
1039 N 2575 W
Layton, UT, 84041-7709
Home phone: (801) 444-3445
E-mail: sre.1966 at gmail.com
Shon Edwards
715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.
Bedford, WY 83112
Cell: (307) 248-2104
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:
> ## You forgot to tell us that it was a 40 A 13.8 vdc, switching type
> power supply !
> Found it on U tube, where the vdc pegged past 16 vdc. Another fellow had
> his
> way over 45 vdc...and fried his yaesu. The u tube fellow says his did
> not have
> any over voltage protection built into it ! Since his was under
> warranty, MFJ will
> repair it..... but not the very expensive yaesu xcvr.
> ## Fuses on radios will only protect against excess current, not excess
> voltage. Your
> surge protector on the input of the 120 vac.. feeding the MFJ switching
> supply, will not help at all.
> The issue is the lack of over voltage protection in the mfj switching
> supply, and what ever caused
> it to crank out excess vdc in the 1st place... frying everything
> connected to it.
> ## Either replace with a better quality switcher from a different
> manufacturer, or use
> an analog supply, like a 50 A CCS astron.
> ## way too many issues with the MFJ-4245 switcher imo. if the supply
> bows up, who cares... but when the
> same supply blows up a bunch of expensive gear connected to it, then its
> a serious issue.
> Jim VE7RF
> *From:* Shon Edwards
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 03, 2017 8:42 PM
> *To:* Jim Thomson ; Amplifier Reflector
> *Subject:* Re: [Amps] MFJ products
> I know this isn't really an amp question, but I checked my email for
> mfj-4245mv and found this one. Last week, the current just took off.
> Fried a couple radios whose fuses didn't work. Also my surge protector
> didn't stop it from frying my radios. Any idea what caused this or how to
> fix it?
> Thanks!
> de Shon, K6QT
> Shon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)
> Amateur call: K6QT
> 1039 N 2575 W
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=1039+N+2575+W+Layton,+UT,+%0D+84041&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Layton, UT, 84041-7709
> Home phone: (801) 444-3445
> E-mail: sre.1966 at gmail.com
> or
> Shon Edwards
> 715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=715+Strawberry+Creek+Private+Rd.%0D+Bedford,+WY+83112&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Bedford, WY 83112
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=715+Strawberry+Creek+Private+Rd.%0D+Bedford,+WY+83112&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Cell: (307) 248-2104
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 8:22 AM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 10:26:27 +0200
>> From: "Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF]" <peter at frenning.dk>
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] MFJ products
>> My 5 cents worth:
>> I own and use several pieces of MFJ equipment, much of it has been in
>> daily use for more than 10years:
>> a MFJ-4245MV SMPS, no RF-hash, and has performed nearly 24/ 7 for
>> more than 10years
>> a MFJ-259B antenna analyzer, without a doubt the most useful tool
>> in my toolbox
>> I know there are better/more accurate/higher quality analyzers
>> available now - at vastly higher prices!
>> this one has been in use for more than 10 years in my shack and
>> in the field, and when I broke it
>> (my own fault - reverse polarity) MFJ was very helpful with
>> repair suggestions
>> I owned a MFJ-969 tuner for several years - did exactly what it was
>> supposed to do at a very reasonable price
>> Various power meters an dummy loads - again they have been
>> performing exactly as expected.
>> To conclude: yes corners have been cut here and there, but at the prices
>> asked you get fair usefulness and many times equipment which few of us
>> could afford without MFJ supplying it.
>> --
>> Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter
>> ## You obviously have not tried one of their SS HF linear amps..like the
>> AL-600 or AL-1300. I defy anybody to get one to run full bore for 5
>> years
>> straight.
>> Jim VE7RF.
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