[Amps] Henry 2k-4 HV inductor

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 13 06:19:53 EST 2017

Forget the tuned choke stuff, that's been shown to be unreliable.  If
you want a choke input filter, get a 10 henry choke and follow it with
a bypass oil cap of at least 8 mfd rated for the B+ with some margin
over that.

I have seen that Henry choke and I can tell you they are NOT 700 ma
continuous.   A real 700 ma choke made to run that current 24/7 from a
broadcast transmitter is around 3 times the size and weight.  The
Henry choke is clearly made for low duty SSB or CW.

If you want to operate any mode that has a dynamic current draw, you
may be better off with an inrush circuit and a high capacitance filter
of around 40 mfd.  Over 50 mfd isn't necessary.

If you want to operate a steady load mode like AM or RTTY, you
probably need a continuous duty choke and not the dinky choke Henry



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