[Amps] SS amps watercooling

Gary Schafer garyschafer at largeriver.net
Thu Feb 16 14:53:52 EST 2017

Heat transfer is determined by amount of flow and temperature difference.
Slowing the flow does not increase heat transfer.

There is an old myth that having a thermostat in a car will make it run
cooler because the heated water stays in the radiator longer..

Gary  K4FMX

> ##  Ideally what you want is for the flow rate to be FAST through the
> heat sink and RF  deck,  to extract heat, but SLOW
> through the rad...to dump heat.     But its all one big loop, so you are
> screwed.   Only fix is a big rad, and lotsa air on the rad.
> Other wise you will just be circulating hot water.   Think of how long
> it takes to boil just  2 litres of water in a standard
> 1500 W  CCS  kettle  in your kitchen...2-3 mins max.   And you cant use
> vapour phase cooling with SS devices, too hot at 100 deg C.
> ##  Im sure water cooling can indeed be done with SS, but it would all
> have to be sized very carefully.
> Jim   VE7RF
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