[Amps] SS amps watercooling - was PowerGenius XL

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Fri Feb 17 16:14:01 EST 2017

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 12:53:53 -0500
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <k8ri at rogerhalstead.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] SS amps watercooling - was PowerGenius XL

Water is far easier to clean up, leaves less mess, and is more efficient 
at heat transfer.  The vapor phase cooling used in computer CPU cooling 
is efficient, but less tolerant of leaks, difficult to charge, and works 
at lower temps..

Vapor phase water cooling is very efficient (already covered by another 
poster) for tubes as vaporizing 1 gram (1 cc) of water uses 539 calories 
(at 100 C - too hot for SS), while heating or cooling water 1 deg C 
takes 1 calorie.
Vapor phase cooling has no moving parts except for a fan(s) at the radiator.

73, Roger (K8RI)

##  How the heck do they do vapor phase cooling with a cpu ?   Vapor phase
cooling works on the premise that the water is brought up to a boil.  And thats
with normal sea level pressure.   Put the system loop under pressure, and the
boiling point  will rise by a bunch.  Will a cpu handle 212 F ? 

## I  dont think these  LDMOS devices will  handle  212 F temps ??   If they
do, then vapor phase cooling would be ideal, and the pump can be eliminated,
and the external rad + fan could be made very small.....  like the alpha vapor phase
cooled amp.

Jim  VE7RF      

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