[Amps] Nice OM amps

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Feb 18 08:59:17 EST 2017

##  here you go Roger,  4000 watts pep out, and 2500w CCS out for data modes  + FM, rtty etc.  No time limit.
Comes with a pair of  3 kva  CCS torroid plate xfmrs.   Also has FCC approval.   Compact, sits on any table,
a meager 101 lbs.  Heck, it even uses a pair of chinese  FU-728F tubes..which are cheap to replace,  $475.00  each. 
https://www.arraysolutions.com/amplifiers-rf/om-4000a   You can even place the amp  into another room, and
operate it remotely, with the mating remote control box, made for the automatic tune amp. https://www.arraysolutions.com/om-4000-rem
Your heat issues and noise issues have now vanished.    Use the supplied cable, or use the internet.   No PC required at remote end.

##  Ok, if you want the manual tune version, its then  https://www.arraysolutions.com/amplifiers-rf/om-4000hf  
Both versions can be driven with just 70-100w.   Has 16 db gain.   160-10m, including all 3  warc bands.

##  Matched pair of tubes, cheap.   https://www.arraysolutions.com/fu-728f-matched-pair

##  Both the manual and auto tune versions appear to be a big bang for the buck.  Then you get to do 
cool stuff, like boil oil....and test baluns. 

Jim  VE7RF

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