[Amps] disobedience brings progress was: FCC Denies...

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 18:05:48 EST 2017

On 03/01/17 03:54,  "sm0aom at telia.com" wrote:
> Amateur radio became regulated in a few countries already at the turn of the century, but was barely tolerated by the Authorities and outright prohibited in most countries.

ALL progress of this type has been the result of public disobedience.  
The image you see of the hobby 'being regulated' changes all the time 
because (1)Hams push it, and (2)there aint stuff all the regulator can 
DO about it.

ALL things 'eventually permitted' by the regulator either ARE already 
happening, or ARE going to happen anyway.  They just rubber stamp it and 
get out of the way.


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