[Amps] VHF all-mode and DC-to-daylight rigs

Catherine James catherine.james at att.net
Wed Jan 4 15:27:34 EST 2017

>Cathy James wrote:
>> And the reason they don't exist is that the manufacturers have not
>> found a cost-effective way to manufacture them.  So even those
>> willing to spend more for a modern, up-to-date version of the IC-275
>> don't have that option.

Joe Subich, W4TV <lists at subich.com> wrote: 
> The reason they don't exist is that an all mode VHF/UHF only rig is
> not cost effective.  It costs very little to add HF when the lowest
> frequency is already 50 MHz.

It sounds like two contradictory things are being said (though not by the same person).
Must "DC to daylight in all modes...sacrifice performance as much as they have to in order to 
meet a pre-determined price limit", or does it "cost very little to add HF" without impacting

These can't both be true.  Either you can build a high-quality HF + VHF rig at the same price/
performance as a VHF-only unit, or you can't.

> As amateur products migrate increasingly to SDR based designs, the economics of 50 - 2000 MHz
> products becomes even less attractive compared to a 100 KHz to 2000 MHz specification.

Yes, that's the game-changer.  I'm looking forward to getting a wide-band SDR receiver system
now that it's possible to do that very cheaply.  Being able to watch an entire band at the same
time on a display will be very powerful.


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