[Amps] VHF all-mode and DC-to-daylight rigs

Catherine James catherine.james at att.net
Thu Jan 5 16:40:34 EST 2017

That's a great idea, Joe.  I wonder why no manufacturer has done it?

Seems like a pretty straightforward project.  Take an auto-tune amp, put
it in a weatherproof case, run 240V power to the antenna base, and
add some metering circuitry so you can monitor it from the shack.

With a VHF/UHF radio, mount radio with removable head at antenna,
run head cabling back to shack.  You would need to confirm that the
long control cable would not cause problems.  I would look seriously
at buying one of those!  It shouldn't be any more complicated that
a preamp on the mast with relay bypass circuitry.

At the other extreme, I expect that the new 630 and 220 meter bands,
once approved by FCC, will become hotbeds of homebrewing.  These
are bands where "a bunch of parts on a board" is perfectly practical



> With amps or VHF/UHF radio I have always wanted to see a weather
> proof  black box to mount at the antenna and then a control
> panel/power supply for the shack.   
> 73,
> Joe kk0sd

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