[Amps] Decline of homebrewing?

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Thu Jan 5 21:02:00 EST 2017

I built steps to a pool deck that were crooked but appeared
sturdy ... they even lasted until a few months after the
pool supports rusted-out ... then started to fall apart.

Fortunately they didn't fail earlier & someone was injured.
I'm obviously no one's idea of a carpenter.

Just sayin' - knowledge & skill do have value ...

73, David KD4E

> Hey! I make my own beer.....doesn't that count for something?
> 73
> Chuck, W6AJW
> On 01/05/2017 05:42 PM, Steve Wright wrote:
>> On 06/01/17 10:28, Catherine James <catherine.james at att.net> wrote:
>>> [...]  I would be frightened if someone showed up on the list and
>>> wrote, "I've never
>>> built or repaired any electronic circuits before, but I just got my
>>> ham license and now
>>> I want to homebrew a legal-limit tube amp."
>> Why?  Countless people with no previous experience have build
>> substantial sailing vessels and travel the world in them, and in
>> sometimes unwise sea conditions too.
>> You are vastly safer with a shoddy home made amp, than you are in a
>> shoddy home made yacht.
>> Some types of people are very good at following a highly detailed list
>> of instructions without having any real knowledge at all.
>> Steve

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