[Amps] Decline of homebrewing?

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Sun Jan 8 03:45:28 EST 2017

Your pills Steve. You forgot to take your pills mate.  :-)

73, Alek

On 8/01/2017 2:57 PM, Steve Wright wrote:
> On 08/01/17 04:45,  Jim Garland <4cx250b at miamioh.edu> wrote:
>> I don't want to be argumentative, but I think the above perspective is
>> dangerously misguided. I've been homebrewing ham equipment since I was
>> twelve,
> Oh puhleaaaaaze!
> Here we have ten rules from someone who broke them all, advice from 
> someone who wrote lots of magazine articles, and in the end his advice 
> for newbies is "dont".
> Get a grip!  Do you realise how many home constructors would never 
> start a project at all if they took your advice?
> I call bullshit.  90% of the "quality advice" of I have received from 
> hams is all about how awesome they are and how I should never hook 
> anything up over 300V.
> Firstly ;
> 1.) It aint hard to verbatim copy someone elses GS-35b internet 
> project (theres lots of them to copy) and burn a hole in something 
> expensive with it.
> 2.) You're not a god.  Other people have a brain as well.
> 3.)  Consider the harm you do to ham construction with your dire 
> warnings.
> Just build something you want to use and keep - thats my advice.  If 
> punters don't have the brain cells to rewind a 2KVA isolating 
> transformer for 4KV, and can't youtube how to cut aluminium with a 
> skillsaw, then I promise you - they AINT gunna be hooking up a 
> homemade amp incorrectly - coz they wont fucking HAVE one!
> And would members kindly quit spooking newbies with all this IMD shit 
> talk!
> Go build it already.  Start today.
> S
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