[Amps] 4 wire EBM Papst fan but without using PWM
Ron Youvan
ka4inm at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 09:35:20 EST 2017
Conrad PA5Y wrote:
> That does not answer my question, it shows a link to a lot of ways of
> how to implement PWM. I do not wish to have any potentially noisy PWM
> circuits I just want to know what to do with the PWM and tach wires if
> I do NOT want to use them.
Tape them up separately.
You are trying to make a kind of motor turn in a way that another
kind of motors turn. PWM controllers do not have to radiate noise down
the power line or into the air. It's up to you to use capacitors and
ferrite beads to control your circuit.
Four wire motors are designed to be controlled, without any form of
control what do you expect it/them to do?
I sent you information that would allow you to operate a four wire
motor to it's normal potential without having a computer control it.
I would try feeding it pulses or square waves from a function
generator or (eventually) from a NE555 IC oscillator circuit.
There are 555 circuits that allow you to control the pulse width
of it's oscillations.
>> see:
>> https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=834&q=four+wire+computer+fan+circuits&oq=four+wire+computer+fan+circuits&gs_l=img.3...4715.14290.0.15660.
Ron KA4INM - Youvan's corollary:
Every action results in unwanted side effects.
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