[Amps] Decline of homebrewing?

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 15:49:31 EST 2017

On 10/01/17 03:15,  Jim Garland <4cx250b at miamioh.edu> wrote:
> My point is that one shouldn't take for granted, as I did, the
> importance of experience and practice in developing homebrewing skills,
> even for very simple projects. And just as important as skills is
> judgement and maturity. If you're going to be good at almost any craft,
> you can't be impulsive, or overconfident, or unaware of your
> surroundings, or easily distracted, or in a hurry, or unwilling to
> accept advice.

Bloody hell, here we go again.  People AREN'T INTERESTED in you speaking 
to them like you're their caring daddy, and that you know best, and all 
your methods are best etc, and if you're filtering for these people then 
you're being creepy.


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