[Amps] home brew amp

Arnie Pfingst arnie123 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 13 18:13:04 EST 2017

I've been reading about how several people on here built an amp and how it works or doesn't work
I had my General Lic. before I graduated H.S (1972). I thought I was good with electronic design and knew everything about building stuff.

My station was all, Heathkit SB 300 receiver, SB 401 transmitter, SB 600 speaker, monitor scope, antenna tuner, EV desk mic, and phone patch.

Not bad for a kid just out of High School. I thought the only thing missing was an amplifier. My dad suggested I build one, (he worked CW in the spark gap days his call was 9ccj)

so I did.

I found a pair of new 813 tubes on the old 40 meter swap net, and scrounged all of the the parts needed for a separate power supply that sat on the floor.

When it was done, I think it put out about 500 watts into a wire. I got my WAS and WATV in one weekend!!! (worked all stereos, and worked all TV) I was proud of my accomplishment,

it all worked. Shielding? i didn't have money for that so the tubes just sat on top on the chassis directly in front of a small blower. My dad was ready to

kick my ass for doing this after he had words with most of the neighbors. My point is to encourage people to continue building and TRYING things.

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