[Amps] Ten-Tec Titan 10 Meter Input SWR

Chris Hays chris at chrishays.com
Sun Jun 11 21:03:35 EDT 2017

Original post segment:

>Don, all you say is correct and good. BUT (seems there always is a but), as
a practical matter, the input R+j of an amplifier >varies with drive level
and  usual test equipment will not provide useful data. If you drive it with
a  transmitter there is no way >to extract R+j  data at that power level.

Unless you are really rich and can afford an operating impedance bridge (AKA
"OIB") like AM broadcast stations use.

Clearly overkill for hams I would say.

Maybe MFJ will make one at the right price point. <gg>.

Chris, AB6QK 

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