[Amps] Alpha 77 meter and bezel needed

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Tue Mar 14 13:32:08 EDT 2017

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 20:20:26 -0400
From: mikflathead at aol.com
To: w8hw at comcast.net, amps at contesting.com, steve at nr4m.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Alpha 77 meter and bezel needed

They look very similar to Simpson meters. 

##  They are made by Modutec..which is not exactly quality stuff. 
I went through all 600 + items on their list.   Some was ok, like
tune and load caps..and bandswitchs.   A lot was way over priced. 
Some of the 6-8-18-20 kv rated ceramic caps were priced ok.
At least they have oem items available  to put an old alpha back to

Jim  VE7RF 

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