[Amps] Labeling house circuits

Charles Farr cefarr at hughes.net
Tue Mar 21 11:44:03 EDT 2017

Have a computer, printer? Make the labels there, apply and a short spray 
with clear Krylon will do the trick.

Chuck, W6AJW

On 03/21/2017 08:26 AM, Catherine James wrote:
>> Label the wall outlet with the actual circuit breaker rating.
> Good advice.  How have other hams done the labeling?  I don't want a sloppy masking tape label, but something permanent and good-looking.  Any recommended sources for such good-quality labels that will last?
> I have a dedicated 120V 20A circuit, and a dedicated 240V 30A circuit.  Both should be labeled.
> 73,
> Cathy
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