[Amps] Drivel

Carl km1h at jeremy.qozzy.com
Mon May 1 15:03:32 EDT 2017

PLUS 1 Mark!

Subject: Re: [Amps] Drivel

> Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com said:
>> To evaluate your opinion (and it is nothing but opinion, based on a 
>> religious belief in CW), I'd like to know exactly what emergency 
>> communications operations you have been a part of in the last ten years, 
>> and exactly what your participation entailed. And I'm not asking about 
>> drills or training sessions, I'm talking about real emergencies, like 
>> tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, explosions, wild-land fires, severe 
>> storms, landslides, and earthquakes.
> I did not mention any participation in tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, 
> explosions, wild-land fire, severe storms, landslides and earthquakes. 
> What I did imply was that I really take exception to debate techniques 
> like "asked and answered" (I guess that is actually a legal term), or 
> where the other person puts words in my mouth that I never said, which you 
> just did, and in addition makes fun of the other person by using terms 
> like "having a religious belief in CW", all of which are intended to raise 
> ire, cause emotional responses, and in general just be sarcastic and ugly. 
> Please stop.
> What I said was that using CW in an emergency will not get you killed.
> So to reply in kind: Before I can evaluate your ability to even begin to 
> assess my own, I would need to know whether or not you are a pilot, how 
> many hours you have, whether you are instrument rated or have a Commercial 
> or ATP ticket.  Then I would need to know when the last time you served 
> aboard a U.S. Naval Ship, which ones, for how long, and in what capacity, 
> because that is what I *DID* talk about.
> Mark
> wa3jpy
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2017 2:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Drivel
>> On Sat,4/29/2017 11:09 AM, Mark Bitterlich wrote:
>>> But relying on CW is not going to get you killed.
>> To evaluate your opinion (and it is nothing but opinion, based on a 
>> religious belief in CW), I'd like to know exactly what emergency 
>> communications operations you have been a part of in the last ten years, 
>> and exactly what your participation entailed. And I'm not asking about 
>> drills or training sessions, I'm talking about real emergencies, like 
>> tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, explosions, wild-land fires, severe 
>> storms, landslides, and earthquakes.
>> FACT: CW is a great mode, no question about its advantages over voice 
>> modes -- IF the operators on both ends are good at it.
>> FACT: CW is a USELESS mode if there's NOT an operator on BOTH ends who is 
>> good at it.
>> OPINION: The chances of there being an operator on an FM repeater who can 
>> copy CW are pretty slim. When I'm using VHF/UHF FM, I'm usually the only 
>> one.
>> OPINION: The chances of SSB ragchewers being competent in CW gets 
>> increasingly slim as the ham population ages. And most SSB ragchewers are 
>> there because they DON'T work cw.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> Founding member CWOPS, #69
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