[Amps] My Homebrew Amplifier

nelson lesmerises nlesmerises at yahoo.com
Fri May 12 19:12:47 EDT 2017

I started about 1 year ago in cloning an Ameritron Al82 Amplifier.  I do have it finished. However i have found i believe some errors in the schematics over the year I have corrected most of them except the meter circuits are not functioning.
Being a pair of 3-500z. I want to make incorporate a seperate circuit to monitor Grid current, Plate current and RF Volts.Ill be using a 0-500ma for the grid meter a 0-1 A meter and a 0-1ma meter for RF Volts...
I have found a old QST article that has such circuit diagrams. I do not know when it was published but the amp was built by Carl Smith, W1ETU.
I believe from what I have determined I should be able to set each meter with the associated  circuit..
If any on has any ideas that might me helpful so I can insert these circuits.
The amplifier function perfectly. 1300 watts on the average on my external power meter..

Thanks for reading..

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