[Amps] HV MOSFETs for RF

Steve Thompson g8gsq72 at gmail.com
Sat May 13 03:52:35 EDT 2017

In terms of damaging the actual gate with overdrive, I think 
there's no meaningful time limit, it's all but instantaneous if it 

For the whole device in overload, it depends on the circumstances 
such as drive level, load impedance, supply current limiting etc. 
With the earlier, less rugged, versions trips operating in a few 
ms protected them from my worst efforts.


> My new 1.3K-FA uses a MRF1K50H output LDMOS transistor. Does
> anyone know how long it would take to destroy the gate junction under
> overdrive conditions. Is there any system fast enough to prevent
> destroying the transistor?
> 73, Roger

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