[Amps] Real time tests to see if an RF transformer is saturating?

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Tue May 16 13:09:35 EDT 2017

Hello Roger,

I  have  some fairly heavy fabric covered Litz wire, but stripping the
enamel  is  proving  a  nightmare. It's old, pre 1960's i think, and a
solder  pot  doesn't do the trick. Nitromors paint stripper works, but
takes  hours  if  not  days,  and you have to tease the paint stripper
through  all the strands to clean them. Doing loads of ends would be a
daunting  task.  I  acquired it from an acquaintance who got similarly
fed  up  with  trying  to  tin it and let me have a go. I got a little
further  but  it was still a fool's errand messing with it. A shame as
it would probably be ideal for this... Thanks for the tip!

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017,  you wrote:

> If you can find it, you're better off using Litz wire.

> 73, Roger

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:chris at chriswilson.tv

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