[Amps] new amp race

Catherine James catherine.james at att.net
Sun May 21 14:27:34 EDT 2017

Peter Voelpel <dj7ww at t-online.de> wrote:
> You can´t compare antenna gain with transmit power.

Sure you can.  

You have a certain amount of $$$ (or whatever your local
currency is) to spend on improving your station.  Each dollar can be spent
on raising transmit power, raising antenna gain, or raising antenna F/B (or
other measure of selectivity or discrimination).  Each dollar you have can
only be spent on antenna or power, not both.

> Antenna gain is one part but more important is the different elevation
> angles a directive antenna or the right antenna can supply.

Of course, but most hams can only have a few antennas installed at one
time, so they have to compromise on lobes and nulls (both at different
bearings and different elevation angles).

> You can´t hear with power anyway.

Ham radio is a two-way activity.  Power on one end helps the other guy
hear.  I rarely have trouble hearing, unless the other guy is QRP or
condx are very bad.  My issue is being heard.



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