[Amps] Henry 3 KD Premier with 8877

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Tue May 23 10:25:53 EDT 2017

Date: Mon, 22 May 2017 15:53:24 -0600
From: MU 4CX250B <4cx250b at miamioh.edu>
To: TexasRF at aol.com
Cc: "jmiklos at windstream.net" <jmiklos at windstream.net>,
"amps at contesting.com" <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry 3 KD Premier with 8877

<I'm not familiar with that particular amplifier, but low 10m
<efficiency is a common problem with 8877 amplifiers. In one of my
<homebrew amplifiers, I had low efficiency in the 40% range until,
<following a suggestion from Bob Sutherland W6PO, I relocated the tuned
<pi input circuit capacitor C2 from the input band switch directly to
<the cathode pin on the tube. Incredibly, efficiency jumped up into the
<60% range. I was dumbfounded.
<Jim w8zr

## here is the manual. http://www.radiomanual.info/schemi/ACC_PA/Henry_Radio_3KD-Premier_8877_serv_user.pdf
Its a bit of a screw ball design.   Its uses a PI-L..but with no conventional  C1  variable tune cap.  Instead it uses
a bandswitched  mess of  fixed. 25 pf  npo hec caps.  The 28 uh roller coil IS the... tune control.   They also have a switch
to short out most of the roller coil.  It has NO grid current overload trip out circuit.  It also uses just a single 25 uh plate choke 
to cover  1.8 to 30 mhz continuously.....with a pair of 4700 pf @  15 kv bypass caps at the base of the plate choke. 

##  he could take C31..the  210 pf output cap  on the 10M  tuned input...and re-locate it to the socket it self, wired between chassis
and cathode of 8877.   Another method is to use parallel or even triple   RG-58... with all center conductors bonded..at each end..and ditto with
the braids at each end.... to make   25 or  16.66 ohm coax.   Then use the low 25 or 16.66 ohm coax from  output of tuned input assy to the 
cathode.  That will have the same effect as placing some C  right at the cathode.   Re-locating the C31 cap would be simpler.  But check and see
if the input swr is still ok. 

Jim  VE7RF

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