[Amps] Amplifier for 630 meter band
Merv Schweigert
k9fd at flex.com
Fri Nov 10 16:13:53 EST 2017
> ## what config are they using to achieve 80 to 90 % eff ?? Is it class D or E or similar ?
Yes both class D and E are used to achieve high efficiency.
> ## if u only run 5 watts ERP, nobody is gonna hear you at the best of times. You cant
> work em, if they cant hear you.
> Jim VE7RF
Not true at all, first off FCC rules are 5 Watt, if you wish to break
em go right ahead,
Your not only dealing with FCC, but with the Utilities commission who
also uses the
band for power line PLC controls etc on those freqs. If you interfere
with them you
can bet they will be filing against you. Thats no concern of mine.
You cannot use the band until you file with the UTC and they check to
see if your
within range of their operations. You can be denied.
I have run 1 watt erp for the past 3 years if not more, I can daily
have two way with
VK, and usually ZL. Of course USA mainland and Canada. During the
winter season
its no problem to work ZF, USA, VE, VK, ZL, JA, and Im sure others if
there were any
other active on other locations. Many of the 630 stations use 1 to 5
watts ERP.
Last nite at sunset I worked K2BLA 4750miles with 1 watt, JT9 QSO.
Have worked NO3M,
many VE7, and of course west coast etc both JT9 and CW.
One thing 630 newbies are going to find out, they cant hear.. most
locations are
covered with noise of all types, if you think you have noise on 160M
wait till you
try listening on 630. Every neighbors crap and every leaky insulator
for miles is
heard quite well.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6
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