[Amps] Amplifier for 630 meter band

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sat Nov 11 13:25:10 EST 2017

On 11/11/2017 9:52 AM, Merv Schweigert via Amps wrote:
> Its not uncommon to have to produce a signal thats S9 or above just to 
> overcome
> the noise for the poor guy in town or in a noisy location.
> Couple that noise with the QRN that develops on that freq.  not nice.

Yes, these new bands are very much about TX and RX antennas and dealing 
with electronic noise. I haven't been on the new bands yet, but I've 
heard that K1JT's WSJT modes like JT65 and JT9 that allow copy deep into 
the noise are quite popular there (and why I would also expect to see 
FT8 activity). NO3M was one of the first experimental licensees, and has 
a VERY impressive RX antenna farm.  Follow the Antenna links on  
http://no3m.net/ There's also a lot of detail on TX and RX equipment.

73, Jim K9YC

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